About Me

This is me – A Short History:

I was born on what I’ve been told was a very cold winter night at the beginning of 1978

Early childhood – just your average crazy kid growing up in 1980’s Romania

I spent 12 years in the German School in Bucharest, where I didn’t particularly love Maths and Physics, I had quite a few affinities with Biology and Organic Chemistry, yet English and French were my favourite subjects. That’s probably the reason why I participated to the French and English Olympics and even got very good marks in High School (same school, final 4 years).

In High School, I was in what were called “Special” classes, which were a mix of the Romanian school program at the time and the German (more precisely Nordrhein-Westfalen) school program, with native German speaking teachers for most of the subjects. Besides the fact that this granted me the opportunity of finishing school with a German baccalaureate diploma, I came into contact with the German educational system, which encouraged students to actively participate in the classes, to speak up and have an opinion. This was a little bit in contrast with the Romanian system of the time (because of our pre-revolution heritage), where students were supposed to shut up, listen and learn everything by heart. There were exceptions, of course, but these exceptions were due to the wisdom and greatness of some of the teachers we had.

And then I went to University. Perhaps for the wrong reasons, I chose the challenge of an exotic language: Japanese. Due to our family’s modest situation at the time, I didn’t have the chance to discover my real talent until much later.

Just before finishing University, my father passed away and I woke up with the responsibility of providing for what was left of my family.

I took various jobs in translations, sales / logistics and finally came into contact with my real affinity: Computers.

So after a few jobs in fields I didn’t particularly like, but which cause me to gain experience, I landed in the IT Services, where I am still active today.

I got married in 2011 after quite a long relationship with my better half. We had quite a nice wedding and it would be great if we could have an exact repeat, but with us as guests…

After all these years spent together we are mostly happy. Like any normal couple, we have our squabbles every now and then, but we manage to make up and enjoy life with its ups and downs.

No kids yet, but we’re trying.